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News and updates 13th September 2023

My Vote My Voice responds to the Electoral Commission’s report on May 2023 local elections

“It is deeply worrying that some local authorities did not provide the minimum requirements for equipment and support needed by disabled voters.”

“It is deeply worrying that some local authorities did not provide the minimum requirements for equipment and support needed by disabled voters.

“Problems with physical access, impact of voter ID and lack of information in accessible formats highlight systematic issues preventing people with disabilities exercising their democratic right to vote.

“We agree with the recommendation to increase support for disabled voters and believe this should be in the form of bespoke guidance, for people with disabilities and health and social care professionals, aimed at raising awareness of voting rights, how to register, and onsite support entitlements at polling stations.

“Working with people with lived experience it’s clear there needs to be a focus on better disability training and data collection, to ensure by the general election no one is denied their right to vote.

“To improve voter turnout the My Vote My Voice campaign are calling on all political parties to produce easy read manifestos at the same time as full manifestos so that people with learning disabilities have as much opportunity as the rest of the electorate to choose who to vote for.”

Read the Electoral Commission report here.