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Supporting someone to register to vote

Everyone with a learning disability and/or autism has the legal right to vote. Here’s how to register!

Before each election there is a deadline to register to vote, this is usually around two weeks before the election takes place. You can help the person you care for or support to register to vote online by completing a form on the government website.

Anybody with a learning disability and/or autism has the legal right to vote.

Keep reading to find out more or click the ‘Register to vote’ button below to start on the government register to vote website.

Register to vote

They can register to vote if they…

They must register again each time they move home or change their legal name.

How to register to vote

If you would like to use our accessible guidance on how to register to vote visit this My Vote My Voice webpage.

If you are completing the form on their behalf, or supporting them to do so, the questions apply to them. Make sure you have all required information ready.

The form will ask…

You will then have chance to check your answers before submitting the application.

Click the ‘Register to vote’ button below to start on the government register to vote website.

Register to vote