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Understanding the parties 31st August 2023

My Vote My Voice Easy Read Guide to Wales’s Smaller Political Parties

Our Easy Read guide explains who’s who among Wales’s smaller political parties and what they each stand for.

This resource is ready for you to download and print out (in English and in Welsh).

Download: Easy Read Guide to Wales’s Smaller Political Parties
Lawrlwytho’r canllaw: Eich Canllaw Darllen Hawdd i brif bleidiau gwleidyddol bach Cymru

Note: there are multiple political parties registered in Wales and not all will contest every election. For practicality and ease, our guide focuses on those parties who have consistently fielded candidates in constituencies across the country in previous general elections.

Sylwch: mae sawl plaid wleidyddol wedi’u cofrestru yng Nghymru ac ni fydd pob un yn ymladd pob etholiad. Er hwylustod ac ymarferoldeb, mae ein canllaw yn canolbwyntio ar y pleidiau hynny sydd wedi cyflwyno ymgeiswyr yn gyson mewn etholaethau ledled y wlad mewn etholiadau cyffredinol blaenorol.